Verification of tracks made of Genevieve

I made fourteen tracks of Hurricane Genevieve, before it was assessed as a tropical cyclone. I made two more tracks after that point. Within 480 hours of cyclogenesis, there were no instances, when I missed cyclogenesis entirely. As of this analysis, best track positions are available August 14, 06Z thru August 21, 18Z, and as such, position comparisons are possible only for this timespan. Since I give only SSHS categories in my tracks, I don't calculate intensity errors in units of speed, but in categories. For this purpose, I define tropical or subtropical storms as "Category 0", tropical or subtropical depressions as "Category -1" and non-existence of a tropical or subtropical cyclone as "Category -2". In the fourteen tracks (made before operationally recognized cyclogenesis), formation times ranged between August 12, 06Z and August 16, 18Z. Average was August 14, 18Z and median was August 15, 09Z. In the fourteen cases (14 tracks, befo...