
Showing posts from February, 2019

2019 hurricane season predictions

Edited 22.5.-20. Oops, I had forgot DirigoDude from both this list and the ranking. 2019 Atlantic hurricane season named storms - hurricanes - major hurricanes Latest (and final) predictions as of June 1, 2019 italics indicates midpoint of a range 101010edwebster 12-5-2 2big_2fail 16-9-5 882MB 17-9-4 Abacosurf 13-6-2 Afrim Alimeti 22-14-7 Alessandra 11-6-3 Alexander Emmett 15-6-3 all4hurricanes 14-6-2 Andre Brooks 12-7-2 aquak9 11-5-3 Arif Samad 12-7-3 Athena 17-6-4 BaltimoreBrian 16-9-4 BarbaraGermany 15-7-3 Bearded Glory 15-7-4 BigAndBendy 14-7-4 bigwes6844 20-10-5 Bret 13-8-5 Bupsin 15-7-3 Caleb Hardee 14-8-3 Cameron Masiello 12-6-2 CarCar819 15-7-3 Caribboy 16-9-5 CatchDogg 14-6-2 ChiThom... 16-8-3 CHS-IOP 16-9-4 Craig Appleman 10-4-2 CrazyForStormsGuy 12-5-2 CyclonicEddz 19-9-6 daddyjames 14-7-2 Dennis Stansell 8-2-8 DewPointOneDrop 16-6-4 DirigoDude 17-9-4 Dorky McDorkface 15-8-3 dre33 18-9-4 earthisanocean 14-7-5 elioe 13-5-3 E...

Ranking of 2018 Atlantic hurricane season predictions

As I'm writing this, season totals stand at 15-8-2. Oscar is not expected to be upgraded to a major. Post-season analysis may downgrade Isaac to a tropical storm, and/or add the February system as a subtropical storm. Whether it's 15-8-2, 15-7-2, 16-8-2 or 16-7-2, it doesn't matter in terms of the winner... Congratulations, capt deez ! The combined error is calculated as follows: sqrt( (E_ns/N_ns)^2 + (E_hu/N_hu)^2 + (E_mh/N_mh)^2 ) where E_ns is error and N_ns is actual number of nameable storms, E_hu is error and N_hu is actual number of hurricanes and E_mh is error and N_mh is actual number of major hurricanes. The following has the format of ranking. / predicted named storms / predicted hurricanes / predicted major hurricanes / combined error and Disqus handle at time of giving prediction 1. / 14 /  7 /  2 /  0.14167    capt deez 2. / 12 /  7 /  2 /  0.23585    Hoon 3. / 15 /  6 /  2 /  0.25000...